2017/2019 – In_Motion v2.0



To create technical and structural competences for the audiovisual means development in the Algarve, presented as a region that offers a unique destination in Europe for production in the fields of creative industries;

To allow recent graduates an opportunity of an internship, for a period of three months, in companies of these sectors;

To observe good work practices at an european level;

To attain and develop competences – technical and practical knowledge;

Give the participants an enterprising spirit, autonomy and proactivity.


Expansion of the partners network, in particular at the level of companies from the creative industries;

10% of the participants established a professional relationship with their internship companies;

Professional experience in an european context to 23 recent graduates, for a period of three months.

Assinatura de Protocolos com Escolas Europeias para prosseguimentos de estudos a nível superior. 

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