European Projects
Staff and Teacher’s Mobility
2019/2021 – In_Motion v3.0 project

Goals for the Teachers:

Acquisition of good practices in respected schools;

Strengthening of the teacher – school relationship;

To foster institutional and personal accomplishment and growth;

Heightening personal, social and technical competences;

Developing linguistic abilities;

To foster international cooperation;

Updating and tailoring methodologies;

Fostering the creation of joined projects with other european schools;

To incentive teachers to have a more active participation.
8 staff and trainer mobility grants: 4 in job shadowing regimen (2 for Teesside University, in Middlesbrough and 2 for dBs Music Berlin) and 4 in teaching mission regimen (2 for ITES Barcelona and 2 for Prague College) to develop in the school years of 19/20 and 19/21.


dBs Music Berlin
Certification process for the Musical Creation, Production and Sound Techniques Course;

Prague College
Level 6 Certification for Design, Photography and Video courses;

ITES Barcelona
Teachers interchange, incoming students;

Teesside University
Certification process for the Video Games Course;
2017/2019 – In_Motion v2.0 Project


Update and adapt methodologies and good management practices, either on a technical or pedagogical level, both in management and in knowledge transmission, taking as a basis the internationalization and innovation;

Strengthen linguistic skills in the participants involved and the consequent growth of the institution at this level;

Give the participants more autonomy, proactivity and entrepreneurship, based on a strategy of networking;

To promote an exchange of experiences across the areas of ETIC_Algarve’s activities.


dBs Music Berlin
International Campus for Performing Arts, Music and Image

L’IDEM France

L’IDEM Barcelona

ITES Barcelona

Prague College

Teesside University


Creation of Live InSight – Studio Sessions project that resulted from the exchange of Good and Innovative Practices with L’Idem France and with ITES Barcelona.

Signing of the Protocol with Teeside University that allows our Video Game graduates to continue their studies at this university, thus being able to achieve a Level 6 training of the European Qualifications Framework, certification awarded by Teesside University;

Restructuring the curriculum of some technical courses with more innovative methodologies and increasingly focused on the European labor market;

Beginning of the validation process of the curriculum for the Technical Course in Music Creation, Production and Sound Techniques with dBs Music Berlin so that our graduates of this course can do the Top Up Year at this German university and obtain a Level 6 certification awarded by the same .
2016/2017 – In_Cluster Project


Provide the opportunity for trainees of technical courses lasting 2 years to be able to continue their studies in Europe for a higher level certification (level 6 of the EQF);

Better preparation for the European labor market;


Prague College
Jobshadowing, Masterclasses, Workshops, Projects, Exchange, Signing a Protocol – Level 6 certification

School of Film and Sound

ESART Barcelona

L’IDEM Barcelona
Jobshadowing, Masterclasses, Workshops,
Projects, Exchange

L’IDEM France
Job shadowing, Masterclasses, Workshops, Projects, Interchanges


We have not only developed our soft skills, as well as our linguistic, professional and social and cultural competences;

We celebrated a Protocol with Prague College that allows students from 2 year courses (from the areas of Design, Photography and Video), to study for a 3rd year in this teaching institution and obtain a level 6 academic training from the European Qualification Framework, in which the degrees are inserted.
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