
Rafael Correia
Sound & Music Mentoring
DJs who are also producers.
A rarer lineage than you would expect on hip hop, both nationally and internationally. Jazzy Jeff might be one of the first serious references. And then there is the unbeatable DJ Premier. Or DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist, but most of them dedicates themselves exclusively to one art or the other. Kanye is seen mainly as a producer, just like Mixmaster Mike is seen first and foremost as a DJ. The Beastie Boys might say so. GI Joe is a DJ and Sickonce is a producer, but unlike the other examples, GI Joe and Sickonce are equally one and the same person. Rafael Correia is the name behind these alter-egos, architect by profession and arch-enemy of music without groove, without punch and without sharp drums or snare drums.
This native of Portimão is, since the late 90s, an active member of the particular Algarve hip hop scene, with a curriculum that extends from Twism to Tribruto, and we are only mentioning projects from the southernmost region of the country.
GI Joe é DJ. e Sickonce é produtor. Só que, ao contrário dos outros exemplos citados, GI Joe e Sickonce são igualmente uma e a mesma pessoa.
Rafael Correia é o nome por trás dos alter-egos, arquitecto de profissão e arqui-inimigo da música sem groove, sem punch e sem bombos e tarolas cortantes.
Este nativo de Portimão é desde cedo – finais dos anos 90! - membro activo da particular cena hip hop algarvia, com um currículo que se alarga de Twism aos Tribruto, e isto para citar apenas projectos da região mais a sul do território nacional."
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